Injectable Safety tips

Injectables: 9 Safety Tips For Botox and Fillers

Injectables: 9 Safety Tips For Botox and Fillers
Young woman receiving a safe Botox and Injectable Filler

We’re going to go over eight simple—but exceedingly important—Do’s and Don’ts concerning an injectabe procedure. Here we go.


Do make sure you consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon prior to your injection. It’s truly the only way to ensure that you understand all of the benefits and risks. Don’t be fooled by injectable’s popularity—Botox and fillers are pharmaceuticals and that means you’re going to need an informed consultation with a doctor. No ifs, ands or buts.

Do make sure your clinician is qualified. If the person performing your procedure is not a doctor, make sure they are trained and licensed non-physicians working under the supervision of a board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist.

Do disclose any medical conditions, medications and over-the-counter drugs you may be taking, including vitamins and supplements. You want to make sure that your clinician has all the information available to recommend the most effective procedure for you, with the least chance of side-effects.

Do make sure that you know what you’re being injected with. Sounds obvious, I know. But give a thought to those online horror stories of patients being injected with everything from liquid silicone to baby oil or worse, and remember that each one of those stories has a victim… you don’t want that to be you. If your clinician can’t confirm that they are using only FDA-approved products purchased in the United States… run for the door.

Do follow all of your clinician’s post-procedure instructions. If I need to expound on this, you have failed our injectable Safety Town, and thus will not proceed to kindergarten. (Harsh, I know.)


Don’t assume that price is a good indicator of value. When it comes to injectables, price is indicative of the level of skill and qualifications of your clinician. Coupons and sales are great when it comes to buying shoes. When it comes to a medical procedure? Not so much.

Don’t assume that with the advent of filler coupons and Botox parties, injectables are as carefree as a trip to a blow-dry bar or nail salon. That’s simply not true—and at worst, it can be dangerous. Injectable fillers are medical procedures that should be treated with the same levity as any other medical procedure.

Don’t assume the mall or someone’s private home is an appropriately sanitary environment in which to have any medical procedure. It’s literally the opposite of that. And while we’re at it…

Don’t even consider getting an injection when you or your injector are intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance. If someone is serving wine and offering up injectable procedures at the same time, that’s a sure sign that you’re at a Botox or filler party. I strongly suggest you leave.

So there you have it, your own personal list of dos and don’ts to consider when deciding to have an injectable procedure.